15th Irish Eyes are Miling – Record Number and Donations


All were wearing the green for the 15th annual “Irish Eyes are Miling” road race.  Dave Ramanauskas dressed in his Irish attire played the bagpipes to start the race.  Jack McDonald and founder of the race took pictures.  Our pot of gold came to $921 which will go to the American Cancer Society/Cheshire Relay for Life, and we owe it all to our sponsors Bagelicious and Victor Advertising, and the following families:  Morley, Waldron, Marcugliano, Savino, Irwin, Rasmussen, Lewis, Morin, Castagna, Robinson, Zebarth, Brown, Stronk, Irish, Velleca, Gelmetti, Orcutt, Commune, Brain, Wetmore, Tarca, Morck, Fiedler, Carson, Herscovici, Russell, Miller, Sanders, Cuppernull, Cohen, Peters, Capasso, Tyrrel, Severino, Gallagher, Schlegel, Jeddry, Murphy, McGregor and the Iorios. We thank you all and wish you a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

Results Below

The 15th Annual “Irish Eyes are Miling” on Sunday, March 11, 2012 had a record number of participants and a record for dollars raised. Over 100 participated $921 was raised at the Annual “Groundhog Day for Irishmen” in Cheshire’s Rustic Lane and Argyle Road neighborhood near the Doolittle School.

More Photos and Music Slideshow

2012 Irish Eyes are Miling Results

1 13 Jack McDonald (1st Male)
2 14 Jim McDonald
3 74 Brian Cuppernull
4 11 Brian McDonald
5 25 Jen Robinson (1st Woman)
6 49 Dan Tarca
7 51 Tom Morck
8 14 Jess Iorio
9 Michael Cuppernull
10 6 Patrick Morley
11 26 Abby Robinson
12 75 Dan Cohen
13 54 Tim Fielder
14 7 Jack Waldron
15 15 Nicole Rasmussen
16 27 Alena Zebarth
17 61 Dave Zebarth
18 76 Marissa Cohen
19 78 Alaina Capasso
20 5 Caitlin Morley (T-Shirt Winner)
21 77 Mairead Peters
22 40 Tom Ocutt
23 2 Jack Morley
24 31 Jenny Stronk
25 36 Tyler Velleca
26 23 Emily Castagna
27 22 Frank Castagna
28 56 Owen Curson
29 58 Deborak Curson
30 19 Dan Morin (T-Shirt Winner)
31 8 Jonathan Mercugliano
32 65 Amy Russell
33 30 Jill Stronk
34 43 Davis Commune
35 43 Teresa Commune
36 44 Carly Commune
37 41 Mark Commune
38 50 John Tarca
39 48 Michele Tarca
40 53 Hayley Fiedler (T-Shirt Winner)
41 24 Paula Castagna
42 63 Dave Herscovici
43 39 Bob Gelmetty
44 38 Barbara Gelmetty
45 9 Lucy Savino
46 1 Erin Morley
47 35 Alexis Velleca
48 37 Kim Velleca
49 60 Jim Zebarth
50 4 Steve Morley (T-Shirt Winner)
51 73 Mike Cuppernull
52 72 Jane Cuppernull
53 18 Sienna Morin
54 17 Cameron Lewis
55 16 MacKenzie Lewis
56 21 Bill Lewis
57 20 Kelly Morin
58 55 Paul Fiedler
59 Linda Morley
60 47 Just Brain (T-Shirt Winner)
61 46 Beverly Wetmore
62 68 Jen Sanders
63 69 Trip Sanders
64 62 Dave Herscovici
65 32 Daniel Irish
66 33 Carey Irish
67 34 Andy Irish
68 79 Evelyn Peters
69 86 Pat Gallagher
70 45 Bill Brain (T-Shirt Winner)
71 82 Pam Tyrell
72 81 Samantha Tyrell
73 52 Kyle Fiedler
74 66 Luther Millr
75 67 Kyle Miller